la estrategia del caracol -

The strategy of the snail

creation, June 2018

The strategy of the snail is a Colombian film from 1993. In it, the neighbours of one of the poorest neighbourhoods of Bogotá unite to stop the demolition of the building where they live, property of an unscrupulous millionaire. Though their fight against corruption and speculation seems lost beforehand, together they start a plan thought by an old anarchist and succeed saving the house.

Our snail strategy developed through different working session with teenagers at risk of social exclusion and became a place of resistance.

The strategy of the snail was created after an invitation of CIAV – Naves de Matadero to accompany the project Inhabiting the air by Santiago Cirugeda.

  • an idea by

    Javier Hernando & Miguel Rojo

  • a production of

    Los Bárbaros

Los BÁRBAROS 2019 ©
Design by Verbena