
the breakfast

creation, June 2018

A teenager has woken up, it’s Saturday, not too early, not too late, he goes to the kitchen where her parents are. They are always there, with their gaze on books, in silence, having coffee, in silence. A mountain of books on the table. The teenager sits, picks one of the books and starts reading aloud.

The breakfast is a book club where we meet to have breakfast, calmly, and to read aloud in a newly built house, no rush.

The breakfast was created after an invitation of CIAV – Naves de Matadero to accompany the project Inhabiting the air by Santiago Cirugeda.

  • an idea by

    Javier Hernando & Miguel Rojo

  • a production of

    Los Bárbaros

Los BÁRBAROS 2019 ©
Design by Verbena