
afirmación -



1. Los Bárbaros live in the borders.
2. Los Bárbaros live fighting nonstop.
3. Los Bárbaros aspire to conquer the centre.
4. Los Bárbaros also dream of returning home.
5. Los Bárbaros know that they will always be the others in History.
6. Los Bárbaros prefer epic than lyric and dramatic.
7. Los Bárbaros speak a strange but beautiful language.
8. Los Bárbaros at the end of the battle drink, but when the night falls, cry.
9. Los Bárbaros know the earth and its landforms.
10. Los Bárbaros know that the war is long, that’s why they believe in the wild patience.

Los BÁRBAROS 2019 ©
Design by Verbena